Become a Sustaining Member of capaBy joining as a Sustaining Member, legal support providers have the opportunity to network with CAPA members and promote their services at CAPA functions. Apply online or use the mail-in form to become a Sustaining Member! For details on Sustaining Member benefits, advertising, and sponsorship opportunities, please view or download a copy of the Sustaining Member Benefits, Guidelines & Information. ALREADY A SUSTAINING MEMBER? TO RENEW: You must be logged in to the website to initiate your renewal (log in form is at top of the page) . To initiate your membership renewal, go to "View Profile." Update your information if necessary and initiate renewal from there. Choose "View Profile" to see your current membership information and renew.
| Sustaining Member Liaisons For more information about CAPA's Legal Vendor Program or Sustaining Membership, or for any issue concerning vendor support services and Sustaining Members, please contact a Sustaining Member Liaison. Amber Haney Brittany Posadas, TBLS-BCP |