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APPLY FOR membership

Follow these steps to complete the application process:

1. Submit online application

  • Completed application (online)
  • Verification of Fulfillment of Membership Criteria
  • Required supporting documents (if applicable)

2. Pay dues

Pay the applicable membership dues + $10 initiation fee.  Pay online OR mail a check payable to CAPA, PO Box 773, Austin, TX 78767

3. Get the most out of membership! 

Get involved!  Check out the calendar and register to attend a luncheon or CLE.

Want to learn about or serve on a committee? Contact a Board Member or Committee Chair

Need a mentor, or just a buddy to attend CAPA events with you?  Contact the Mentor Program.

Membership Committee Chair

APPLY online (below) 

PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.  Failure to submit the required documentation and/or payment will delay your application.   Questions?  Email the Membership Chair.



By completing and submitting a CAPA membership application, you agree as follows:

"I understand that the Capital Area Paralegal Association ("CAPA") may contact my employer (or school, if I am applying for Student Membership) to verify my employment (or enrollment, if I am applying for Student Membership).  I further understand that all information on this application is the property of CAPA.  None of the information on this application will be released to any source outside CAPA, the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas, the National Association of Legal Assistants, Inc., or the Texas Alliance of Paralegal Associations, except as authorized by the CAPA Board of Directors."

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* Membership level

Updated 2022.01.04

 2024-2025 Capital Area Paralegal Association. All rights reserved.

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